12 Reasons You Can’t Decide
In my original audio book So You Need To Decide I share my own story of understanding decision making through a few of my life’s biggest decisions and spoke with iconoclastic creatives like Bob Odenkirk, Margaret Cho, Phoebe Bridgers, Scott Frank, Isaac Mizrahi and more - about their decisions and their understanding of the decision making process. Listen to the book on Amazon, audible, AppleBooks, Libro.fm and everywhere audiobooks are. Here’s a take away list of the top 12 reasons you may be having trouble making a decision.
Fear of making a mistake
Fear of change
Decision exhaustion
You don’t understand the decision
Regret over past decisions
Not believing you have the power to make the decision
Overly dialectical thinking
Not trusting your intuition
Lack of resources to execute desired decision
Fear of success
Denial about the situation
More comfortable in ambivilence