Today the time changes.
Or so we say.
Time doesn't change
The clocks change.
And by themselves
For the most part.
Leaving you free to clock
Your own changes.
There are all those re-minders
Don't forget to change your clocks!
When mostly your clock
Is your phone.
And all you have to do is look at it.
And wouldn't it be a miracle
If you forgot to do that!
You might.
If the dark has its way with you.
And here it is.
Today the dark comes earlier.
Hello darkness my old frenemy.
I feel the dark has it out for me.
But also might invite me to the best party.
Like a mean girl at lunch.
Darkness is thick.
And you can use it to write with.
And of course
The time change thing is silly
We're not an agrarian culture any more
Though maybe it's useful
To be connected to the farmer's way
To re-member
We are all growing crops of a certain type.
And maybe collective change is useful
Anything we do together
Undivided by all that divides us.
The illusion of separation
And time is
The greatest illusion of all.
Is an eraser
Use it to re-move
What's unnecessary.
When the time changes in the spring
I barely give it a second thought.
But in the fall I dread it.
And look forward to it.
The early darkness is so demanding!
Darkness is its own kind of spotlight.
Somehow lighting itself without light.
I do still actually have three clocks to change.
The one in my car
Which has been wrong since the mechanic.
I won't fix it.
I don't know why.
Maybe I just like to believe
Time isn't the boss of me.
The one on the stove.
I will change that.
It's the one I look at
When I'm making coffee
To go do the thing
And how long do I have.
Needs to be right.
Or a little fast.
And the one on the wall.
The circular one.
That reminds me
Time isn't linear.
A relief from that panicky feeling
It's all rushing by.
It re-minds me
Treasures can be found
In dark corners
It's a beauty
Left on a top back shelf
A dark place
By someone who
Had moved on.
It's vintage
From another time
And it time shifts me
Just by existing.
But it's too high for me to change.
So M will do it.
Or we will do it together.
The darkness
Encourages collaboration.
Today is the day
Create from there.
Infinitely Yours...