Art in Dark Times

I’ve had a few clients
Ask about creativity in these times.
I mean it’s a lot.

It feels so pointless one said.
What difference does it make another asked.
I just feel so overwhelmed someone else complained.
And ok.
I hear all that.
But here’s the thing.

What difference is not doing your work going to make?


You have a gift.
Writing or singing or acting
Or whatever your special combo plate of things is.
You have to figure out for yourself
And if you think it’s ok to abandon it.
It might be for you.
I don’t think it is.
I think it’s the thing to fight for.

I’d argue that being here fully
Means finding ways to gift others
With our gifts.
Be generous with your gifts.
(Which doesn’t mean not getting paid for your work!)


Here’s the thing.
There are two ways to effect change.
One is direct action.
Local action.
You want a writing job.
So you go look for a writing job.
And you work on your writing.
No mystery there.

The other way is non-local action.
You want a writing job - so sure you look for writing jobs.
But you also don’t leave out non-local action.
Meaning you become a more wonderful person.
Maybe you study a language.
Or go birding.
Maybe you babysit as a favor.
Or learn to pole dance.
And something in one of those things serendipitously
Leads you to writing work.
A connection with a person.
Or just a new understanding.
A shift in perspective.

Non-local action is a fancy way of saying
Love finds you when you aren’t looking for it.

And as to the world and its craziness.
Is it possible that yes you can help by local action.
Giving of your time and money.
Giving your attention.
But that you can also help by non-local action?
Creating beauty.
Being funny.
Singing like an angel.
Telling stories that help people find meaning.
These things.
This using of your gifts.
Create a world which is less susceptible to awfulness.
You become a person less susceptible to despair.

Because there’s the question of hope.
Creativity requires hope.
Art is as they say, the highest form of hope.

But here’s the twist.
Hope is messy.
Hopelessness is neat.
Very controlled.
Hope is swirly.
Harder in a way.
Especially once you detach from outcome.
And it’s simply hopeful to make the work.
There is hope in giving yourself over
To the messy process of becoming.

So the thing about making work - art - now
Is that you are claiming your own becomingness.
And you are helping to make the world
A world where
Becomingness is possible.


Please keep going.
Making the world while you re making your art.
Non local
But vocal.

And keep taking that direct action too.
Voting for, donating to, talking about
A world which is hospitable to women
To health care
To a working class
To artists.
To you.

And PS…
UnCabaret is back January 17th
We created 2 for 1 tickets so you can bring a friend.
We all have friends right now could use a night out with like minded folks
And some in the now laughter.

Unexpected things happen.
And some of them are miraculously wonderful.

Infinitely yours,


The In Between Time


This Too Shall Pass