New Substack: Re/Treat
There’s a drift in the creative community
Of assuming the reason
You are not moving forward on a project
On maybe your whole career
Is resistance.And resistance is real!
I even resisted reading “The War of Art”
Because who wants to read a whole book about resistance?!
But here’s the thing!
It’s so key.
And may be the thing
That helps you understand why you aren’t
Moving forward!
I saw a video of a peony blooming today.
Here’s the link to my Insta.
It’s in my stories right now.
My first thought was
It’s like a flower waving hello!
And I mean it would be enough.
If that’s all it was.
I watched it again.
And again.
Was I resisting the annoying to do list?
But was I actually mesmerized?
I was.And after the third
Maybe fifth time through
(after all there was that list to resist)
I realized part of what was happening
Part of what made this flower video
So completely compelling
Was the retreat.
Of individual petals.
Even though the flower kept blooming
Each individual petal did not move
Irrevocably forward!
Or outward - to be more specific….