Sum/mer Time

Had a call with my manager this week.
I love talking to him.
We can move from deal points to darhma
And back again
Without missing a beat.
Most of the call was me asking for timelines and updates.
After I let my impatience run a few laps around
He said
What I hear you saying is, it’s summer.

Actually it’s what I wasn’t saying.
It’s what I was ignoring.
He was being nice.

Seasons happen in all sorts of ways.
The length of days
Cor/relates to the length of time space
For things. to. happen.

So yesterday was the start of summer.
The longest day.
The brightest day.
It’s funny to me
That just as summer begins.
The days start getting shorter.
The beginning is also the peak.
Summer is full of that kind of knowing.

Thinking about the sun today
Re/minded me
The sun from here
Looks constant.
And consistent.
A big ball of steady light.
Close up?
The sun is flares and fluctuations galore.
A big ball of activity that is radically not steady.
Both things are true.

The ability to see this way
Both things are true
Is a joy.
But it's also challenging in a world increasingly
Built on high contrast thinking.

It shows up in all sorts of ways.
Me with my impatience.
The election season.
Everything you have to be for or against.

Impatience is often a lack of seeing both truths.
Happening slowly
Is happening
And also not happening.


A client recently asked
Comedy or storytelling?
When I said both
A flood of relief washed over her.

We do have to decide.
One or the other.
But not always.
And not in every season.

And summer
Even this charged summer
Is peak bothness time.
Bothness reveals itself when you slow down.
You don’t need to go to a spa.
Today I put on slow walking heels
To go to my hair appointment.
It started to summer/ize - which spellfuck want to call - summarize - hahaha
My mind.

What abouts.
Maybe sos.
If ands.

Expanding your mind is kind of literal.
Space gives you time
As I realized in my spring cleaning.
And of course time is money.
Space is wealth.

And expanded mond
Is a richness.

And the flipping back and forth
Between the close up views
The solar flares
And the long shot
The bright insistent sun
Creates a kind of space.
Going back and forth
Between the slow high heeled pace
And the race at the desk.
The beach rhythm and the work beat.
Back and forth.
Like a tide coming in and going out.


Letting the summer vibrate
At the frequency of miracles.
Because miracles are indeed called for.
Shifts in perspective.
The long view and the close up.

Back and forth.
The blades of grass and the endless sky.
The ring lights and the sun.


That’s how to summer.
How it all adds up.
To more than the sum
Of its parts.

For now and with love,


The Puppet Paradigm


Ins and Doubts