The In Between Time
My IC’s! (Eye Sees) (Infinite Creators!)
How’s your in between?
Your liminal time.
The taint of the year.
Are you resting? Working? Visiting?
Making decisions about next year?
I have something for that last part.
But just to check in first.
And to say I see you -
Opening up this email.
Poking around in your hopes and dreams and plans
For your 2025 creative life.
Love it.
As usual I resisted resting.
But I was hungry for it.
So I started using the word restorative.
Which is essentially resting.
But also sounds so productive.
So a good life hack for you Type A’s.
Use it!
2024’s burnout for me it was the combo pack of
A big exciting creative push this fall,
Plus two colds - wow its really going around
Three deaths. Triple sighs. Triple sized.
Plus the repercussions of a certain day in November.
It was as we say, a lot.
My friend Andrea was like you might need to change
Your show title to grace and ease.
Ha ha.
Then the beginning of the break was especially grueling.
Or so I was telling myself.
But something happened mid break.
I’ve had to move around more than I would have chosen.
Two nights here. A night there.
Back to there. Etc.
And I resisted and complained.
Quietly and sometimes just to myself.
Sometimes to the warm ears of my friends.
Then somebody had a crisis that created more unsettledness.
But I just couldn’t get upset.
I showed up for her.
And I got calm.
I have people.
I have bags to shlep.
I love and am loved.
And I love my work.
And I am curious about what’s next.
The rest is just life
On life’s terms.
And me needing to rest.
I mean restore.
I wrote
Everything Is Unfolding In Divine And Perfect Order
In red lipstick on my bathroom mirror.
But wanting to believe it
And believing it
Are two different things.
In an instant I decided to actually believe it.
An instant that has followed years of wrestling.
Well that;s the magic of the in between time.
Then I spent time in a friend’s studio.
And did a deep dive while on the train.
And slept in.
The in between time
Is a time when who you are
Is more important that what you do.
The in between time is a time you can decide
To be different next year.
Whether it’s a goal
Or resolution.
A word of the year (highly recommend)
Or a plan.
Change is always a decision.
Making the decisions that result in true transformation
Is one of the hallmarks of my Infinite Creator coaching program.
The decision to do the work that is your birthright.
The decision to do the work that will help you be the someone you are.
The decision to do the work
That will help you live your true story.
Tell the part of your story
That will help others.
Whether that’s stand up, podcasting, memoir, script writing.
I do this work
With individuals and in group all through the year.
And very occasionally offer my Pick Your Next Project
For creatives not enrolled in our program.
January is a particularly juicy time to do this.
So if you are overwhelmed with choices.
Or blocked.
(Two sides of the same coin.)
Or maybe you think you have chosen
And want confirmation
Or to explore what it might be ike to execute the project
With me as a guide….
Join me for Pick Your Next Project.
Saturday, January 25
12-3 PT
This is not a pre recorded webinar!
Hands on help and inspiration.
Space limited!
Register now!
Happy merry healthy wholly…
Wishing that you received and continue to receive
All that your true hearts desire.