Beth Lapides

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Why we celebrate victories, wins and nice surprises

Part of the structure of my Infinite Creator
Creativity coaching groups
Is a warm up round
Of victories, wins and nice surprises.
Here’s why.

We are creative.
And we love the interesting part.
And the interesting part
Is usually the problem!
As soon as one problem is solved
We move on to the next one.
It’s our nature.
And we are storytellers.
And the story is always most interesting around what might be ‘wrong’.
It’s like the knot on a piece of wood.
Which is where your eye goes to.
The most interesting part.

The knot is where the tree grew around an infection.
A problem!

And that is all perfect.
Except that to make progress.
Finish projects.
Advance in the real world
It’s also imperative to see what’s going well.
We creatives tend to diminish pleasure points
And focus on the pain.

So many times folks in the group will say
Well there’s this one little thing.
A call, a yes, a breakthrough.
And by the time they finish telling it
They’ve gone from hesitancy to exuberance.


So though it felt awkward and geeky when I started doing it
Now it feels integral and useful.
So useful.
Which as my manager and I are always saying
Is an amazingly helpful - and useful - metric to measure
Work on.

I also have heard business account friends recommend doing these.
They call it something else.
A nice things notebook?

But same idea.
Keep your eye on this stuff that bolsters you.

Tracking wins
Is its own kind of win.

Infinitely Yours,