"You need alt comedy swami, Beth Lapides!"



Fall Session on Zoom
4 Tuesdays
Sept 27
Oct 4, 11, 18

Email to set up a free 10 minute consult
Or text for more info 213-706-3630

Attention! Writers, standups, storytellers, podcasters, speakers, authors, directors, content creators!

Are you ready to face your fears and move into the next, infinitely rewarding phase of your amazing creative life?

Beth's technique helps you uncover your athentic voice, and figure out which projects are perfect for you now, and get them done.

This workshop is designed to create a breaththough experience.

Whether you feel stuck, overwhelmed by the choices or just on a plateau - or even if you feel inspired but unable to focus - Beth has worked with moving creatives off the ledge and into their most authentic voices and perfect projects for now.

If you answer yes to even one of these questions this workshop is perfect for you...

  • Are you unsure which of your many ideas you should work on?

  • Do you have a project that you love but are struggling to clarify?

  • Are you frustrated because you know you could be funnier?

  • Does your book need a clearer angle?

  • You can't figure out how to locate your best material?

  • Do you know what story you want to tell but not what medium to tell it in?

  • Are you confused about how to bring your work to the world?

  • Do you need accountability and deadlines?

Beth has been there. Done the work for herself (see bio below) and then helped thousands of creatives at all levels - bold faced names to mid-careeer artists in transition, and even beginners.

Beth is a master teacher and a muse. And uses the wisdom and techniques she's developed in her decades of teaching and coaching. And through the blood, sweat, tears and sparkle of creating her own work to shine the light on you and your work.

Class limited to 10.

Each participant gets a chance to ask questions and present work in each of the four sessions. Which means getting Beth's insights, notes and personalized guidance decisions, craft and . Individual assignments are given for the next week.

In this workshop you'll come to understand...

  • Your own personal story - and how it relates to all your stories.

  • How to be you, but funnier.

  • Why you resist the most crucial parts of your work.

  • How to find and develop the material that is yours alone.

  • How to develop the 8 Habits of Highly Creative People

Beth's clients and students have gone on to...

  • Successful stand up careers

  • Critically acclaimed one person shows

  • Popular podcasts

  • The NYT bestseller list

  • TV writing careers

  • TV directing careers

  • Moth wins

  • And better lives!

This is an especially productive workshop for creatives in transition.

This class meets four Tuesday Nights. Sept 27 and Oct 4, 11, 18 - 5PT - 7PT

It's a mixed level class. If you have questions about whether it's right for you email beth@uncabaret.com.


Beth is the author of the critcially acclaimed 'So You Need To Decide', which is on Vuture's Best Comedy Books of 2022list. Listen to her interview on Vulture's Good One podcast.

She's the creator and host of UnCabaret which is widely recognized as the leader in the 'alt comedy' revolution. Variety recenty called UnCabaret 'a progressive comedy institution'. The LA Times recently called it a 'hallowed institution'.

She's been featured on Comedy Central, CNN's History of Comedy, on Sex & The City, on NPR's All Thing's Considered, O Magazine and many others.

She wrote about how and why she created UnCabaret as a cover story for the LA Weekly on the occassion of its 25th anniversary. She's hosted and produced UnCabaret for over 25 years including live and as a series on Amazon, a special for Comedy Central and a library on audible.

Beth's taught both independently and at institutions such as UCLA Extension, Second City Chicago, IOWest, Skirball Cultural Center, mediabistro, Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, Actors Comedy Studio and The Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art.

Watch Beth's You But Funnier.

Watch Beth's 8 Habits of Highly Creative People.

PS The Infinite Writer refers to the infinite loop of energy created by working on paper, then out loud and it also refers to the infinite loop of energy created from alternating between elevating your work and elevating your life. For creatives, those two go hand in hand. Attention! Standups! Storytellers! Non-fiction writers! Script writers! Podcasters! Speakers!


"This workshop changed my life."

— Jamie Bridgers

“THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! For all the love, teaching and inspiration! You are magic! and I LOVED the group!”

— Liz Walton

“Thanks so much for today...it was so much fun. Very exciting to get things up and you are so awesome and supportive...loved the space you held for everyone and your ‘organic’ approach. Look forward to doing it again... Inspired...and grateful.”

— Dunya Djordjevic

“I finally know what I want to say, thank you!”

— Perry Lin


“Beth provides a safe container to blossom the essential self. She is a consummate muse; funny, loving, insightful, kind. In short, she is a comedic sage goddess.”

— Melanie Lutz, Writer / Director / Love Activist