New Substack: Growing Panes
Beth Lapides Beth Lapides

New Substack: Growing Panes

Create doesn’t mean make.
Create means grow.
Sure, you can go along making stuff.
Even cool stuff.
But the real work for creatives
Is doing work that is also The Work.

How are you using the light
Pouring out of the crack in your heart -
You have been cracked open right? - to grow.
And not just for yourself.
For everyone.
So that we can move this whole project along.
But also for yourself.
Because growing
Is the sweetest most painful most wonderful thing!

Happy spring!

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The Infinite Creator
Beth Lapides Beth Lapides

The Infinite Creator

A coaching, consulting, musing system for creatives. Creativity coaching reimagined for this here and now and the world that creatives are living in. Creativity and the life that goes with it.

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The Will Smith Oscar Slap
Beth Lapides Beth Lapides

The Will Smith Oscar Slap

First of all nothing happens in a vacuum. Happiness is contagious and so is war… It’s no coincidence that the word protect was the focal word in Will Smith’s so-called apology. What it looked like was a little boy who felt like he needed to be protected…

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Seize the Moment
Beth Lapides Beth Lapides

Seize the Moment

I'm so excited UnCabaret is live on stage again! But of course part of me is like - wait - no. Is it ok to be excited about that. Am I actually? Because of. You know. All of it.

But if there is one take away from these past two years… Carpe - what's Latin for moment? Momentus. Which sounds at once huge. Momentous. Like a momentous decision or a momentous change. Mountainous. And also carpe moments. It also sounds ike momentum. In motion. That enviable state of not stuckness. What you hope for a career. A project. A day. The e motion. Of love. Yes carpe momentus friends. Because right now it's usually not a whole day. That's seizable.

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